Home of the GNAT AUX and future DRACO Ada compilers.

The development ports for FreeBSD have been getting tweaked, and new ports for GNAT AUX, GTKAda, and the GNAT Programming Studio have been added on top of that. For 32-bit intel architectures, everything is working well. GPS 5.0 seems to be working as expected, but it hasn't been run through the paces.

The AMD64 version of the GNAT AUX on FreeBSD is another story. While only 15 ACATS tests are failing, it's in worse shape than indicated. GPS won't even build without an GNAT "ICE" (Internal Compiler Error). The Ada Web Server builds, but it's failing about 90% of it's regression tests. At this point, the FreeBSD64 version of GNAT AUX is probably only suitable for helloworld type programs if that. The 64-bit versions of DragonFlyBSD and NetBSD are in perfect working order, so those needing 64-bit GNAT on BSD should look at those platforms first. Whatever ails FreeBSD64 hasn't been found yet, but we'll keep looking.

The next step is to produce some binary packages, and the step after that is to get these ports added to the FreeBSD ports repository.

Last edited Fri May 24 16:28:01 2013
© 2010 John Marino | design elements by styleshout | artwork by Arturo Aguirre